100 Megawatts
Empowering impoverished youth up to 100 Megawatts in their pursuit of education.
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Who We Are


100 Megawatts is a not-for-profit organization that believes it is possible to prevent, reduce, and ultimately eliminate poverty by eliminating the barriers impoverished youth face in their pursuit of education.

Our objective is to one, identify the issues acting as obstacles to education for impoverished youth, and two, to then tackle these issues one by one to give them the opportunity to reach their maximum potential, to reach their inner 100 Megawatts.

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Our Story

Our founding

Eradicating poverty has always been a mission of our founder, Ruha Javed. With personal experience on the influential role education plays in eradicating poverty, especially for youth, she understands the need to restore the opportunity of education in the lives of impoverished youth.

In the face of protecting oneself and securing basic necessities, impoverished youth have the opportunity to pursue education ripped away from them, thereby significantly reducing their chances for change. Noticing this issue being overlooked, the idea of 100 Megawatts was born in June 2019 - an organization working to restore this opportunity for youth facing poverty.

Our Name

Where does our name come from? When Ruha was searching for a name, nothing seemed to quite fit the message. Watching time tick away and eventually getting frustrated, she sighed hard and looked up at her room ceiling, accidentally blinding herself with her room light. And that’s when an idea popped into her head! To create a metaphor with light! After all, she wanted to inspire youth affected by poverty to crank their inner light switches all the way up to 100 Megawatts. And that’s how 100 Megawatts came to be 100 Megawatts.

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Our Mission

mission statement

To empower impoverished youth to uncover their brightest potential by eradicating barriers in their pursuit of education.

vision statement

To create a world where poverty ceases to exist in the face of impoverished youth powered up to 100 Megawatts.

core values

100 Megawatts aims to empower impoverished youth to reach their brightest potential, enlighten the general population on the unique needs of impoverished youth, and enable like-minded individuals and communities with the tools and resources to create change.


Get Involved


Contact your local chapter to attend one of 100 Megawatts' events in your area and make a difference.


Looking for ways to help out? Reach out to your local chapter today to find out ways you can get involved.


Want to bring 100 Megawatts to your community? Reach out to start a local chapter and bring 100 Megawatts’ mission to your community.

Meet Our Team

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Ruha Javed
Founder & President

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Rebecca Ha
Marketing Director

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Javeria Javed
Finance Director

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